Forest resources
Within the area of Forest District Gubin, there are mainly coniferous forest sites with pine dominance. The average age of forests in the area is 57 years.
Silviculture is one of the most important and the most complicated branches of forest management. It includes a range of nurturing procedures and renewals, patterned after natural processes.
Pine is the dominant tree species in the Gubin Forest District. It grows on 92% of the area. Other species occurring in the Forest district are: spruce, oak, birch, alder, larch and beech
Every year, an area of 250 ha in the Forest District is picked for forestation. Foresters employ a number of procedures aiming at ensuring correct forest growth.
Forest protection
Forest use
Forest use means usage of its resources – timber harvesting, forest ground cover harvesting, whole or partial plants harvesting for pharmaceutical industry, obtaining conifers, exploitation of minerals, but also significant part forests play in reducing greenhouse effect. The foresters enable the society to use forest crops in a manner ensuring its continuity and sustainability.
Forest management
Forest management in State Forests is based on the Forest Management Plans created for Forest Districts once per 10 years. They are prepared for the State Forests by specialised units, among others by The Bureau for Forest Management and Geodesy (Biuro Urządzania Lasu i Geodezji Leśnej, BULiGL). The Forest Management Plans are approved by Environment Minister after consultations with society.
About 60% out of 618 species of vertebrates found in Poland live in forests. Civilization has undermined the immemorial balance of nature and rules of forest ecosystem. It influences also the animals living there. That is why, nowadays, animal stock, ways of nursery, as well as preventing damage caused by game are regulated by law, both Polish and European Union law.