Nature reserves

On the area managed by Gubin Forest District two sanctuaries are located: "Dębowiec" and "Węgliny Nature Reserve".

Landscape parks

On the area of Gubin Forest District the Krzesin Landscape Park is located. The area of the park is 8 5446 ha and covers three communes (Gubin, Cybinka, Maszewo) and two sub-districts (Gubin and Cybinka).

Areas of protected landscapes

Borders of four areas of protected landscape run through the area of the forest district:

Natura 2000 areas

The following areas of Gubin Forest District are part of the Nature 2000 programme:

Natural monuments

Natural monuments are single formations of living (animate) and non-living (inanimate) nature or their clumping with their special environmental, scientific, cultural, historic or landscape value and characterizing with individual features distinguishing them among other creatures, f.ex. monumental trees.

Ecological sites

Ecological sites are the Romains of ecosystems that deserve protection and are of great importance for maintenance of biological diversity, f. ex. mid-forest water ponds, swamps, mosses and sites of rare plant, animal and mushroom species.

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In 1286 the town of Gubin made a trade transaction that benefited the town and its growth for centuries, becoming its main source of income. The residents of Gubin have bought the Tholmer village, together with all its rights, outbuildings and adjacent land, from Henry the Illustrious. Although the village had been destroyed by the Husites, it was surrounded by valuable forests and meadows. The village was located around present-day Dzikowo, 8 km east of Gubin. Over the centuries, the purchase of the land proved to be a more and more valuable investment. It was a beginning of municipal forest growing on picturesque hills. The purchase was a well-founded move as the town could only expand to the east then (other directions were managed by monasteries).

In 1726 the residents of Gubin lodged a complaint on the authorities of the town on the matter of mismanagement of the municipal forests. The complaint had to do with allowing many villages to pick wood from the forests and the profit that could have been much higher.  After the intervention the authorities limited wood picking (to two days a week) and made it available only for the residents of Gubin. In 1822 a forest deputation was created to manage the forest (it included the mayor, a member of the council and four residents; later also a head forester).

On 25 May 1830 a powerful storm has passed through the town and the forest. Around 140 thousand trees were blown down. The effects of the storm were visible for 10 years. The wood from the trees that were blown down was used for repairs of damaged buildings.  In turn, in 1840 huge fires has hit the forest.

After that period, the forest management became more profitable and all the town districts were developing thanks to wise decision of the then mayor    Bothmer. Dzikowo Forest District headquarters was built and the first forester obtained an office apartment. In the next years Gubin was hit by a few insect plagues. Many residents had to fight the plagues and thousands of marks were spent to fight it.  In 1888 exploratory drillings were made in the forests in search for brown coal, however, the results were insignificant and unprofitable. The Municipal Forest District Office in Dzikowo was open until World War II. Its building was demolished in 1999 because of modernisation of a national road.

The area of around 6000 ha of municipal forests was divided into 6 forest rangers area in those times.

 Mapa lasów miejskich Guben z 1934 r.} 
Mapa przeglądowa  
 Kamera p-poż przy siedzibie Nadleśnictwa ul. Dolna 19 
 Balonik na tle drzew 
 remont dachu
 Znaleziona butelka 
 Sadzenie drzewek 
 Głaz okolicznościowy upam. huragan 
 Siedziba po remoncie